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Clear diagnosis: Find out how you can have your lipedema treated gently, with little pain and with lasting effect, so that you can finally feel good in your own body again.

Benefit from a holistic treatment concept by an experienced physician and surgeon. In this way, lipedema can be permanently overcome and the likelihood of recurring pain is greatly reduced.

Initial medical consultation

  • You will receive a clear diagnosis made by a doctor and then you will know which stage of lipedema you are in
  • You understand why you have constant pain in the first place
  • A new type of blood analysis reveals further weak points in your immune system and thus enables a treatment with a lasting effect
Make an appointment now

The treatment

Are you wondering what causes your pain and disproportionate weight distribution? In plain language: Do you have lipedema?

As a woman, do you suffer from weight gain and constant pain in combination with a strong, physical discomfort - for example after pregnancy or other drastic experiences? Then there is a good chance that you have lipedema. But which doctor can clearly diagnose this condition? Which doctor should sufferers see? Are you one of those women who suspect that you have lipedema but have not yet had a proper examination? In this case, I'll tell you something: after just a few completely harmless examinations, I, as a doctor specializing in lipedema treatment, can determine whether you have this condition and what stage of lipedema you are currently in. A 3D full-body scan also helps to locate the affected areas of your body.

1 hour to new hope

Lipedema is often accompanied by severe pain - both physical and emotional. But these symptoms do not have to be a permanent condition: In the course of about an hour, I will show you a way to soon be able to move again without pain and look in the mirror without fear. My experience teaches me that even after the initial medical consultation, many women take new courage to want to rewrite their own future and achieve more joy in life in the future.

Dr. Denis Simunec is a member of:

  • You receive a clear diagnosis
  • You will learn what stage your lipedema is in
  • You will get to know a low-pain and sustainably effective treatment concept
  • The risk of recurring symptoms is significantly reduced
  • You will receive a complete health check including recommendations for action
  • You can have previously undetected diseases treated in time or prevent many ailments
  • You can promptly lead a healthier life and feel a new zest for life

Initial interview

What can you expect in your initial consultation?

Clear lipedema diagnosis

You have read up on the subject of lipedema on the Internet or asked friends? You recognize yourself in many of the descriptions? Nevertheless, you have not yet been examined by a specialist? Already during the initial medical consultation in our revitCells practice clinic in Soest, you will receive a clear diagnosis of your lipedema disease and its stage.

Prospects for a pain-free life

Do you remember how it felt when you were able to move pain-free in everyday life? During the initial consultation, you will learn about many case studies of people who felt similar to you today and who are currently active and happy again in their lives.

State of the art method

Many women with lipedema do not have it treated professionally because they are afraid of the pain during surgery. But the fear is unfounded. In our practice clinic we use a particularly gentle method for liposuction - waterjet liposuction. Optionally, a likewise painless and gentle argon plasma treatment is performed directly after the surgery. This allows us to additionally tighten sagging tissue without my having to remove excess skin. The result is aesthetic and leads to a harmonious appearance.

Metabolism plays an important role

If you want to achieve sustainable health, your metabolism should be optimized. Therefore, we examine your small intestine microbiota by means of just two drops of your blood. This data subsequently enables a targeted and individual therapy to improve your metabolism sustainably and to strengthen your entire system from the inside out. It will also enable you to have previously undetected diseases treated by the right specialists at an early stage.


Known from the media

The special lipedema therapy of Dr. Denis Simunec, as well as the entire revitCells practice clinic in Soest, are well known from the media. Here is an example from FOCUS online from the year 2022. Simunec, specialist and head physician, is also a welcome guest in TV interviews, among other things about his innovative, state-of-the-art therapy approaches.

Read article from Focus Online


Voices of our patients

I had my first lipedema surgery two weeks ago and I am very happy and satisfied. I am already almost pain-free. Dr. Simunec is very competent, friendly and takes a lot of time for us as patients; a big praise also to the entire team of the practice clinic. I feel in excellent hands here and the surrounding location is great. From the bottom of my heart I say thank you for everything!

32 years

I had an appointment for surgery at the revitCells practice clinic in November 2022. Before this appointment there was a detailed consultation with Dr.Simunec. The surgery went without any problems, with a perfect result. My positive impression of the clinic, the friendly staff and the competence of the head physician Dr. Simunec was fully confirmed. My assessment: 100% recommendable: High professional competence, emphatic and innovative.

51 years

Thank you very much to Dr. Simunec and his team for the impeccable work and care before and after both lipedema surgeries. I will be seeking further treatments as soon as it is possible. I wish continued success, especially in exploring new therapies. Unfortunately, there are only a few doctors so far who put so much heart and soul into their work and do not lose sight of humanity. I can only recommend the practice clinic.

27 years

Initial interview

Your visit to Soest as a foundation stone
for a new life

During the medical history consultation (initial consultation) in our practice clinic, you will receive nothing less than clarity and knowledge.

  • Clarity about whether you have lipedema or not.
  • Know what stage of lipedema you are in.
  • Clarity about which treatment is right for you.
  • Know how your result can look like after the treatment.
  • Clarity in general, because all open questions are answered.
  • Clarity about their overall health.

Initial medical consultation

  • You will receive a clear diagnosis made by a doctor and then you will know which stage of lipedema you are in
  • You understand why you have constant pain in the first place
  • A new type of blood analysis reveals further weak points in your immune system and thus enables a treatment with a lasting effect
Make an appointment now