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The therapy

Cell therapy from
revitCells® for the treatment
of osteoarthritis

I have already gained enormous experience with fat stem cell therapy in the treatment of osteoarthritis of hands and feet. Since February 2017, the necessary technology is also available to treat large joints with fat stem cells. The procedure I have developed is called revitCells®.

Why cell therapy can avoid complex surgery

Specifically, I would like to offer this alternative therapy to patients who suffer from painful arthrosis in e.g. shoulder, elbow, hand, hip, knee or ankle joints and who reject radical operations such as artificial joints or stiffening operations for the time being. In some cases, many patients are unable to have "major" surgery at all due to increased risks.

The current data and experience of this new form of therapy is growing daily worldwide! The results to date suggest that fat stem cell therapy can relieve the pain of many osteoarthritis patients and ultimately lead to a better quality of life.

I am firmly convinced that this therapy, even though it represents a healing attempt, should definitely be tried compared to a definitive operation such as an artificial knee or hip joint. Because even in the case of a possible therapy failure, a radical surgery can still follow - you "waste nothing".

Some details of this innovative treatment method are currently still being researched. In 2020, I was able to report on my method in the renowned journal "CELLS" and show that the treatment can be an alternative to artificial joints.

Furthermore, I pursue a holistic approach in all my therapeutic procedures. For the first time it is possible to perform highly complex analyses of the small intestine(NOT the large intestine!) - in the case of often pathological conditions of the microbiome, appropriate treatments can then be carried out. Here, both applications with postbiotics but also metabolism-regulating and cell-renewing supplementary therapies with omega acids, amino acids as well as hypoxia training are possible and optionally recommended.

In any case, so-called multimodal therapies, i.e. the interaction of several treatments, are more effective than simply having monotherapies carried out.

Modern arthritis treatment

Get advice on cell therapy
for osteoarthritis

Make an appointment at my revitCells® practice clinic and get a detailed consultation on osteoarthritis treatment with fat stem cells.

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